Saturday, June 9, 2012

DIY Greenhouse and small Kitchen decor

I made a very simple DIY greenhouse for my tomatoes (and maybe peppers) this summer! I took a cheap wooden utility shelf that I found free on kijiji (craigslist equivalent in canada) and bought two plastic drop sheets from the dollar store. I did take two of the shelves out in my greenhouse to give more vertical room for my tomatoes. I ended up not having tacks or a staple gun, so the plastic was attached with packing tape! It has held up quite well, and it only cost me $3 to make.

 Here's the finished product, minus the front flap:

For the front flap I took two screw hooks and put them in at the top of the shelf, hooked the plastic on each one, and it draped down over the front. 

It's worked very well for the last part of May, where we still have cooler nights and sometime danger of frost.

For a small kitchen decor project, I had some small red peppers saved from last summer that were dried out. I am going to try and grind some into a pepper powder, but also used some for this little project.
I took a few of the dried peppers and arranged them on the glass of a picture frame and closed it up. Quick, easy framed kitchen picture... dried peppers! It would really work with any dried item. It is harder with thicker items as the frame may not close well.

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