Thursday, April 26, 2012

Garden time

Last year we used our back yard to do a garden share with some nearby friends. It was my first gardening attempt - it's been a learning process! But I thoroughly enjoyed it, and the food of course tasted GREAT so I'm looking forward to doing it again this year! I will blog our progress - we will likely have some pinterest inspired projects for our garden as well!

Here are some before and after photos from when we first we moved in - everything is overgrown...

We grew peas, zucchini, onions, carrots, and tomatoes. Here are many of our seedlings at the beginning:

My tomatoes were attacked pretty hard by aphids, so it was a lot of work. I had a Lemon Boy that unfortunately did not survive... so I was sad not to get any yellow tomatoes. Below is my sad remaining tomato plant. I still got some good tomatoes, but after the aphids were under control, the squirrels started stealing them!

We then had a hail storm which wiped out my zucchini plant and onions. We are still not sure if anything else was attacking the zucchini plant (pictured on the right). We had two, the one pictured on the left stayed healthy, but had such slow fruiting progress we never got a good zucchini from it to enjoy!

The purple carrots were my favorite though! They are the sweetest and most full of flavor carrot I've ever had! We also grew a baby carrot variety.

Our green onions grow like crazy every year and the peas did great. The flowers from the green onions are great to add to salads and other dishes.

 We also enjoyed some very nice flowers!

Peonies, Lilies, Black-Eyed Susan, Cosmos, Delphinum

Going to be hard to wait another month before I can start really planting outside! Last frost date is the end of May here in Calgary.... But we do have some tulips peeking up from the ground, and green onions have already sprouted! Next update, Garden Part 2 !

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